Comptoir des Huile products rated
“Excellent” on Yuka!
Yuka is an application that allows you to decipher the labels of food and cosmetic products, and to analyze their impact on health.

What is the Yuka app?
This application is independent and not influenced by brands or industrial groups, their financing is also independent, they do not use advertising either.
Their revenue comes from their users; if they subscribe to the Premium version of the application which allows access to more functionality, by purchasing their book or calendar. Yuka also undertakes not to resell its users' data.

How it works ?
Simply download the app, it's free, then scan your favorite products and that's it! The results are clearly displayed, with a rating and an appreciation. If the product is mediocre or bad, Yuka independently recommends similar products that are better for your health.

How are the products evaluated?
Based on the state of science to date, each ingredient is assigned a risk level based on its potential effects on health or the environment: endocrine disruptor, carcinogen, allergen, irritant or pollutant.
Ingredients are classified into 4 risk categories:
• risk-free (green badge)
• low risk (yellow sticker)
• moderate risk (orange dot)
• at risk (red sticker)
The rating depends on the level of ingredient with the highest level of risk present in the product.

What are the ratings for Comptoir des Huile products on Yuka?
All our products are rated 100/100 or “Excellent”. Our cosmetics are made without any chemical compounds: no mineral oil, silicone, aluminum salts, or even synthetic coloring. No endocrine disruptors!
Some of our products do not achieve a score of 100/100 due to our natural fragrances which contain essential oils. Essential oil allergens and certain essential oils themselves lower the score by 7 points per allergen or ingredient.
In overdose, essential oils can cause allergic reactions. However, in cosmetic products, essential oils are used in micro doses. The probability of a reaction is therefore minimal!
At Comptoir des Huiles, the presence of essential oils is solely for the purpose of perfuming our cosmetics in a 100% natural way. They are obviously dosed so as not to present any risk.
