How Marula oil helps fight deforestation in Madagascar?

Deforestation is one of the main threats facing our environment today. Every year, millions of hectares of forests are destroyed, leading to the loss of biodiversity, disruption of ecosystems and the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Faced with this environmental crisis, numerous initiatives are emerging to combat this scourge, and among them, the responsible production of Marula oil is proving to be a promising solution.

What is the impact of Marula oil on deforestation?

This oil has exceptional properties for skin and hair. It is extracted from the nuts of the Marula tree, a tree native to sub-Saharan Africa.

The impact of Marula oil on deforestation lies in its sustainable economic model. Unlike other crops that encourage the destruction of forests, the harvest of Marula nuts is done without cutting down the trees. The fruits fall naturally to the ground and are collected by residents of the regions where these trees grow. This non-destructive harvesting practice helps preserve forest ecosystems while providing a source of income for local populations.

Marula oil is also an effective way to valorize forests for their economic potential, other than that of logging. By offering a viable alternative to cutting down trees for timber or agriculture, Marula oil encourages the conservation of forests as a renewable resource and thus contributes to the preservation of biodiversity and the fight against change. climatic.

What is the role of Comptoir des Huiles?

At Comptoir des Huiles, our Marula nuts come from Madagascar. Committed to preserving the environment, we have become aware of the potential of Marula oil in the fight against deforestation. This tree is often cut down for the production of charcoal, our objective is to raise awareness and encourage the local population in Madagascar to consider it differently. The production of our Marula oil brings real value to this tree in the eyes of the Malagasy population!

1 liter of Marula oil = 4 trees protected

Comptoir des Huiles is committed to promoting an ethical and transparent supply chain for its Marula oil. By working directly with local farmers, the brand guarantees fair and equitable working conditions, while ensuring that the harvest of Marula nuts meets the strictest environmental standards. Our Marula oil is thus certified fair trade by the Fair for Life label.

What are the benefits of Marula oil?

Marula oil is a versatile oil with many benefits for skin and hair:

For the skin: Marula oil, rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, provides intense hydration, helping to nourish and soften the skin. It is also effective in combating the signs of skin aging, soothing irritation and promoting cell regeneration, leaving the skin smoother, more radiant and younger.

For hair: Marula oil is an excellent moisturizer for dry, damaged hair, providing deep hydration and soft, silky hair. It controls frizz, soothes the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth, for strong, shiny and healthier hair.

Marula oil plays a crucial role in the fight against deforestation. Thanks to initiatives like those of Comptoir des Huiles, this natural resource is used responsibly, providing economic benefits to local communities while preserving forest ecosystems. By encouraging the use of products containing Marula oil, consumers can help support this vital environmental cause and promote a more sustainable future for our planet.

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